A photo of the performers from the Morrish area in a play called 'Kentucky Belle' taken at the Port Hope United Church c1926
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from a note by Grace Lewis on the back of the photo  Sept 18, 1992
This picture was taken about 1926, Ruth and Grace 8 or 9 years old, Johnny McHolm and Harry Cotter about the same age - we sang in between acts. It was a Spring play put on by Morrish people to raise funds for a small building on the Morrish Church grounds to keep horses in, but cars started to come in shortly after and it was used for some strawberry festivals, I can barely remember.
This play was performed in quite a few places — Port Hope United Church, Wesleyville, Millbrook, Newcastle, Morrish Church and probably more. It was directed by Bill Marvin. Ross Dickinson and our school teacher, Miss Lancashire sang several songs — one was 'I Love You Truly.'
Ruth and Grace and the boys sometimes were coloured as Darkies in some of the plays. At the time of this writing there are only two people still living — the nurse in the picture, then Norma Dickinson, now Norma Spencer, age 80, and the person on left 2nd from the back row, was Ruth Fanning, now Ruth Hayman in Peterborough.
This is all the information I can find at time of writing.

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