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Muriel Hall
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Donna Nixon
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Hennie Van Tol
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Whether you know it or not the big circus is at PHHS and is disguised as 10B. It is owned by Lawrence Cleary, a big cement dealer, and by Kathy Williams who, incidentally, butchers any act she doesn't like. The ring mistress is Jackie Kelly who was formerly a disk jockey with CHUC.
Let us concentrate on the performers. Pete Low is the helpful elephant who never forgets. The monkeys are John Bray, Gary Clarke, and Bob Smith. Having got their start with the West Side Athletic Club, DukeMcCutcheon and Jim Robinson combine to do an aerial act. Our special feature is that great strong lady Gwen Woolacott who once said she could break a person's arm in three places. She teams up with Bill Spicer to prove their strength by lifting weights. For weights they use Marion Doust, Elizabeth Woodley, Angela Bathgate, and petite Carol Thompson. For the featured act the twosome would juggle the four back and forth. This worked fine until Lydia Kalisz stood between them with a baseball bat and started to knock them around like balls. So now Gwen and Bill just use weights.
The lion and tiger trainer is Sylvia Hall, an all around athlete, who uses a bat instead of a whip to train them. Her victims are: Rocky Crawford, Shirley Clarke, Connie Eley, and Bari Hills. She is wasting her time on Connie and Bari who would rather be trained by boys in 10C and 10A respectively.
The chorus line (suggested by owner Cleary) is headed by pretty Hennie Van Tol who is supported by Myrna Andrus, Sharyn Clarke, Carol Sue Babbitt, Ellen Aiken, Nancy Austin, Donna Nixon, Dianne Lockington, and Helen Watters. This proves to be the only spicy part of the show.
The costume designs are handled by Wendy O'Neill who obtains the goods at a discount price. The publicity is looked after by Karen Carruthers, who is said to have pull in the government, and Fritz Theysmeyer who is backed by the Students' Council. The chief cook and seamstress is Mrs Martyn. The mechanical end of things is capably handled by Bob Elliott and his home of ten thousand parts.
This concludes our big circus except for Don Horgan, the magician, Muriel Hall, the vanishing lady, and Craig Clayton and Bill Eley who, due to circumstances beyond their control, are no longer with us.

Don Horgan