
Miss G C Whiteway

Peter Abrams

John Bickle

Reed Chatterson

Philiip Craig

Miriam DeRivers

Robert Dubeau

Faye Everson

Wendy Ferguson

John Goheen

Margaret Goss

Philip Harness

Ed Hayden

Danya Hill

Brock Hills

Susan Hochu

Adrienne Jack

Faye Joice

Paul Kernan

Brenda Lavigne

Tim Mooney

Doreen Nicholson

Gwen Pomeroy

Paula Sanders

John Smith

Linda Smith

Peter Snell

Teresa Sokay

Joan Sylvester

Sheryl Talbot

Debbie Turck

Robert Waddington

Jim Walker
Form News
This introduction to 9B is just informal (I hope). At the head of the class is our homeroom teacher, Miss Whiteway. We have lots of fun in her room and hope that it will stay that way.
Two of our most quiet boys are Peter Abrams and Philip Craig but watch out when they get together (bedlam).
John Smith is our little prankster. Watch it when he's around your locker door (fun kid). John Goheen is another quiet boy but get him to answer a question in science; another Einstein. Tim Mooney is 9B's magician. He always manages to be first in class, how he does it (poof). John Bickle's voice can be heard all through the halls but in class it can't be heard at all (what was that John?)
Now to the girl chaser of our class - Brock Hills. We hope he will succeed. Robert Dubeau and Philip Harness are our fun makers although some of our teachers aren't amused with their actions. I can't forget our Boys' AA Rep, Reed Chatterson. He can't complain about girls not showing up to cheer because they do and we cannot get them to shut up.
Peter Snell is the most difficult of all boys. We can not get it into his head that he is not the athlete of the year.
There is Faye Everson. She's a whiz in English, also the girls' Dramatic Rep.
Florence, Brenda, Susan and Faye are the quieter girls of 9B, but occassionally they'll join in on the fun. Now when Miriam and Marg get together you'd better watch out. Wendy always has some tricks up her sleeve. Robert Waddington is our whiz on the basketball court. Someday he may be as good as Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain. (7'1") Oh well! Our public speaker and our future politician is Jim Walker, and Paul Kernan the comic of the class. He is also one of the smartest (hmm!) boys.
Joan, Debbie and Paula are the girl athletes of 9B. Who knows? they might be famous some day. Good Luck! Gwen and Adrienne always come up with jokes in History that even Mr Bean has to laugh at. By the way Adrienne is a new comer.
Now Sheryl. She'll get 45 out of 50 and still complain about low marks. Teresa Sokay is one of 9B's active girls because (Wow!) you always know where she is because of certain indications (Boys!). I guess this just about sums up everything, hope this will help you to know 9B better.


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