Port Hope Ontarios Lacrosse Club c1901
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Ontario! Ontario! All honour to the name,
'Tis no disgrace defeat to face, on pinnacles of fame.
Like heroes bold, in days of old,you bravely showed the way,
Played good lacrosse, yet met a loss you some day can repay.

With boys like you, brave, staunch and true, we've not the slightest fear,
With practice free, that you will be the Champions next year.
Mike Young in goal, put heart and soul in every game he played,
And brothers Tuer, were always sure the field was well surveyed.

Jack Henderson, our own big gun, has honours yet to yield,
And Marvin 'Ike', can beat a byke on cinder path or field.
Young Billy Wood is just the goods to stop a speedy home,
And 'Giddy' Burt, can show a spurt the best have yet to learn.

Then Colman bold, war horse of old knows all there's in the game,
And Crowhurst 'Lang', to use the slang can get there just the same.
McCabe is dear to people here, he surely is a star,
To see him beat in any fleet you'll have to travel far.

Then Glover too is always true, he plays the game to win,
And Nattrass he, can always see the place to shoot them in.
Ontarios! Ontarios! we'll forget you never,
We're proud of you, and rightly too, 'Old Gold and Black' forever.

Cobourg, Oct 25th, 1901


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